Title: Obedience & Rally Chair – March
Duration: single event
- Approximately one year ahead if not earlier, send out notices to judges for availability to Judge. Ask previous Chair for example, do not recreate the wheel, need to have consistency across the board.
- Once Judge confirms they are available send Contract. We use a standard Contract; again ask for contract from previous years Chair or other Club Members. Work with your Judges to get the best possible airfare, this expense is the highest of the trial.
- Ensure that the Fairgrounds is reserved. This is done by the previous year’s Chair but confirm anyway. Always the same weekend in March.
- Contact Ellen (Ellen Calnan 406-544-2418) to make sure she has us on her calendar to secretary this event. You will be in contract with Ellen a lot, make sure you have copies of all your Contracts with Judge Assignments correct on line as this is what Ellen uses for the premium.
- Approximately 6 months prior to event fill out application, this is done online. If you have not previously done this with the Chair last year, have the last Chair walk you through this. You also enter your Judges at this time. You also have to do a paper application that must be signed by a Board Member, this form is also on the AKC site. Again ask the previous Chair or someone in the Club that has done this previously. Closing Date will approximately be March 5, 2014. This means that your application and judging panel are due to the AKC at least 18 weeks (126 days) prior to the closing date so if your closing date were March 5, then your due date is October 30, 2013.
- Contact the Holiday Inn for your Judges rooms, this may already be done as they do contact us to see if we need rooms again so be sure to check. Send the Confirmation Numbers out to your Judges.
- In December at the latest you should get committee heads; Hospitality, Ribbons/Trophies, Chief Ring Steward, Grounds and Emergency. You will need to get these to Ellen for the Premium. Check in with your Trophy/Ribbon person, if you want to list specific prizes they have to have their information to you by December or early January for the premium. The sooner you can get this information to Ellen the better. Once Ellen has everything for the premium she will contact you to verify it, READ CAREFULLY.
- In January check in with your committee heads that they have everything they need. Be sure your Chief Ring Steward has all your stewards. This is a key position so be sure this person has the commitment to get workers.
- Talk to all your committee heads and give updates at the monthly meetings.
- Line up people to pick up and bring all the equipment necessary to the Fairgrounds.
- Present the P&L to the club at the end of your event.
Title: Hospitality – Obed/Rally March
Duration: single event
- If member cooking: talk with Chair about what items they want for workers lunch, needs to include main item, a dessert and drink.
- Dependent on Chair – have morning hospitality items set up, if not doing morning items ignore.
- Have lunch either provided by a vendor or a club member is responsible.
- If Vendor be sure they have food on time starting at ____ ending at ____ on Saturday and Sunday, make sure they are bringing all items for workers lunch, paperplates, silverware, napkins, food, drinks, etc. Get tickets from vendor, confirm daily total and turn tickets into Chief Ring Steward.
- If member is responsible for workers lunch, then get all paper goods needed to the Fairgrounds.
- Be sure food is available from _______ – ________.
- Get tickets from all volunteers, “No tickeee”, No Eatee”
- Turn tickets at end of day back to Chief Ring Steward for the next day.
- Clean up area after each days event.
- Last day pack items back up and return to Storage unit.
Title: Chief Ring Steward – Obed/Rally March
Duration: single event
- Contact all club members to see who wants to work what specific rings.
- Be sure that every position is covered for every day.
- Have a Steward workshop for Stewards. It is the Club’s(Chief Ring Steward) responsibility to train all Stewards this is not the Judges responsibility. There are restrictions on competing and working as a Steward be sure to read these rules ahead of time.
- Give each Steward a schedule of when they need to be at the Trials
- Check on Stewards throughout the day if not working a Ring.
- Give your Stewards their lunch ticket to get their free lunch. (Must work the minimum of a half day for lunch).
- Get tickets back from Hospitality at the end of the day so you have to give out. If you are using speciality tickets you will have different ones each day. Ask Carol Steadman for the file if you want to make your own. Or ask her is she will make them.
Title: Ribbons & Awards – Obed & Rally – March
Duration: single event
- Order Place Ribbons and Title Ribbons from Prize Ribbons, Inc. (see Website or ask previous Chair for past orders and ordering information. Check with Chair if this needs to be done)
- Order Specialty Ribbons from Hodges (see Website or ask previous Chair for past orders and ordering information. Check with Chair if this needs to be done)
- Order Toys, check with Chair to see if this needs to be done, order may have already been placed for the year.
- Talk with Club members about sponsoring special prizes. Get list to the Chair by December so that it can be included in the premium. If you don’t have this by then it we can still give special prizes it just won’t be listed in the premium.
- Work with Chair and Secretary to find out if we have the special breeds for the special prizes.
- Count ribbons given out for entire trial and give number to Chair. (at the storage unit)
- Bring Ribbons to trial, pre-counted for each class, give to each ring so that all ribbons are at the trial. If you return Ribbons to the storage unit, make sure you know exactly how many ribbons and of what place were used, turn this into the Chair.
- Count all toys given out for entire trial and give number to Chair. Determine if you are going to give out one toy per entered dog for the trials or just to first place dogs. If doing that be sure you have that amount of toys at the trial.
- Return all unused toys and ribbons to storage; return them to their proper container.
Title: Emergency Coordinator – Obed & Rally
Duration: single event
- This person does need to make sure they have the route to the hospital for exhibitors, Ellen might have this route, have them check with her.
- If 911 is called you are responsible to assist them once they get to the Event.
Title: Grounds – Obed & Rally
Duration: single event
- This person checks on the poop buckets daily and ensures that we have them at the trial. Two buckets for outside and two for inside. Put bags in buckets, but do wash them and the scoops before returning them to storage.